485 on our Weather Maps

I must have received about 20-50 emails since the 2 newest sections of I-485 have finally been completed in northwest Charlotte. All of them asking why our weather maps don’t show the newly completed sections. I have to remind people that all of our maps are mapped using a map database similar to the maps on your GPS in your car. As many of you know when using your GPS not everything is in there, in fact I would imagine like me if you drive the Northwest sections of 485 with your GPS on it might show you in the middle of the woods. This may be true for many new subdivisions and street across the Charlotte region as well. We too are at the mercy of the mapping databases and we are trying to get those updates expedited, but just to show you how varied the databases are here are some examples of maps of Charlotte from 1/15/10 all showing different parts of 485 either there or not there and these are real-time on-line maps!

First up this is NCDOT actual map on their website


Yahoo Maps


Bing Maps


Google Maps (Just updated in the past 2 weeks)




So again you see even these which are real-time on-line maps have various degrees of 485 completed. For us we have to wait for our Vendor WSI to update the maps and they are awaiting a 3rd party vendor who supplies them the mapping data. So much like the annual upgrade to your GPS in your car which may or may not have all the new roads, businesses and sub-divisions in it, we too must wait.

When you think about all the delays and projected vs. real completion dates of 485 you can imagine what a nightmare this has been not only for the drivers but for the people who keep our maps up to date.