
Mecklenburg County Tornado History
Yesterday Mecklenburg County had the 1st tornado warnings issued…

Why a 50% chance of rain usually means a 100% chance of confusion.
It’s one of the most misunderstood terms in all of weather,…

What El Nino could mean for Charlotte this winter.
So by now we have all seen the headlines about the strong El…

Perseid Meteor shower peaks tonight, here's how to find a dark spot.
Tonight's the peak of the best meteor shower of 2015. So after…

Best Meteor shower of 2015 is this week!
We have many meteor showers throughout the year, but here are…

Hurricane Seasonal Outlooks raise awareness but take with a grain of salt.
We are less than a week away from the beginning of the 2015 Atlantic…

Why WX is the abbreviation for Weather.
If you are reading this blog, follow me on social media or follow…

Perspective on the accuracy of Meteorologists
I know what you are thinking. “Here we go another Meteorologist…

Remembering the crazy severe weather of April 2011.
What a difference a few years can make.. This week is the 4 year…

Friday severe weather threat
A strong cold front will be moving into the Carolina Friday afternoon.…

Charlotte Astronomy and Sky Watcher Highlights in the week ahead.
Thank you to NASA ambassador Tony Rice for providing the weekly…

Cold week ahead but just not as cold!
Our pattern of cold and stormy weather isn't really going away…

Charlotte space and sky watcher highlights for the next week.
Thank you to NASA ambassador Tony Rice for providing the weekly…

Does it have to snow in Atlanta for it to snow in Charlotte? No!
Ever since I have been in Charlotte now 12 years and counting.…

Weekend Storm is looking all rain right now except for the mountains.
The pattern is changing and we are going into a much stormier…

Pre-Christmas weather pattern looks active
Lots of buzz about the pattern change for the Dec 20-24 time…

Arctic front still not here yet, but it’s coming!
I know it seems like a week since we started talking about this…

Could we really see snow Saturday?
I'll get right to the point yes we could and yes maybe even in…

Wednesday mornings lunar eclipse in Charlotte
While we will have the chance to see the lunar eclipse a few…

Summer 2014 in Charlotte by the numbers & charts.
So did you think it was a mild summer? Wet summer? Dry Summer?…

Strong Storms with Flash Flooding Potential Thursday.
The set-up for Thursday is more and more looking like a high…

3 Rounds of Severe Weather This Week
Today is the calm before a very stormy week ahead. Take this…

Total Lunar Eclipse Visible Tuesday morning April 15th.
The 1st total eclipse of 2014 is a lunar one and also the same…

Landslide Risk in North Carolina
With the recent landslide tragedy in Washington state I think…

Winter Storm Potential Next Week.
Happy Spring as of 12:57 pm today but don’t be fooled winter…