With Autumn comes the Stink Bug and Lady Bug invasion.

It’s that time of the year when you begin to see loads of lady bugs or stink bugs swarming on the sunny side of your home. As the temperatures drop usually after the first frost or freeze or we get some cooler nights in the 40s. Along with sun angle getting lower the ladybug or as their look alike pest are called the Asian Lady Beetles begin to try to hide from the cold.

This time of the year they will seek out the sunny side of  any building. Which is the south side of your home. They will find tiny cracks even in the most sealed up house and end up usually around your windows. Now they may seem like pests when they are in your house, but they are a natural deterrent to smaller pests in your garden. Mainly aphids and if you grow tomatoes plants ladybugs are a blessing.


Now when the look alike asian lady beetles get into the house they can cause small bites to humans, and cause a mess. I usually just get the shop-vac out and suck them up. Before long they are all gone and winter sets in. To, me the ladybug and asian lady beetle swarms are just part of the seasons changing in the Southeast.

Here are some great tips on how to deal with the swarms in the fall.

Tips for dealing with ladybug swarms.

Stink Bugs as well:

It’s not just lady bugs either the Stink bugs and even Kudzu bugs all behave in a similar fashion. Once the nights get cold again, they will try to find a way to stay warm on the South or sun side of you home.

So be on the look out for them after our bought of warm sunny days turns back to chilly nights again.
