Nashville Floods


Historical Record Rainfall Event For Middle TN

Storm total rainfall at Nashville International Airport has reached 13.53 inches as of 7PM CDT.

This surpasses the previous two day total of 6.68 inches set on 9/13 and 9/14, 1979 due to the remnants of Hurricane Fredrick.

James LaRosa/Michael Davis

NWS Nashville, TN

Its amazing what 12-16” of rainfall can do in a short period of time. The Doppler radar image below is an estimate. All the regions in the white are between 12-16” and most of tat fell in just 36 hours.



Here is a maps via the NWSFO in Nashville of actual rain gauge reports.




This made for some of the most amazing video and pictures I have seen in while of flash flooding on I-24 southeast of downtown Nashville